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· CITATIONS..... (375)
je suis un grands voyant médium spiritual spécialiste de tous travaux occultes !
- vous avez un problème de
Par maraboutadizan, le 02.06.2016
..... bonjour sous la pluie alors **..*.
..... je lance des rayons de soleil*.*
..... sur ton joli blog**.
Par laviedekiki, le 02.06.2016
merci ma fille de ta visite bisou bisou http://httplap lumediroisesup erforumfrmembe rlistforum.cen
Par httplaplumediroise, le 01.06.2016
toc...toc ..toc ..bonjour
c'est moi.......... qui passe ouvre vite,
je suis derrière ta porte .. je viens
Par laviedekiki, le 01.06.2016
coucou bonjour
au milieu de tous ces nuages
dans un ciel gris ce matin et un temps pluvieux
il y a une l
Par laviedekiki, le 31.05.2016
Date de création : 11.02.2009
Dernière mise à jour :
35765 articles
· Une femme nue 99
· Un femme sexy 106
· calandrier 2011
· Une femme sexy 26
· Henri Emmanuelli un doigt d'honneur à François Fillon
· Un homme bien poilu 8
· Création Métisse
· Une femme sexy 23
· Joyeux Anniversaire Tchounette
je vous souhaite une bonne fête de l' aîd à tout les musulmans source : citation.php?mot=colombe">citation.htm">citation.htm">citation colom...
abdellatif zeraïdi فنَّان الشَّعب رُؤية العيد عند العبيد #فنَّان_الشَّعب ... ranveer singh de retour chez sanjay leela bhansali ? c'est ce que semblent indiquer les dernières rumeurs ! on sait depuis plusieurs mois déjà que bhansali...
eshabollywood.centerblog.netsalman khan est catégorique ! on ne connaît que trop la chanson : nouvelle vague de covid qui frappe le nord de l'inde de plein fouet et pousse toute l'ind...
eshabollywood.centerblog.netAid fitr est un jour spécial qui marque la fin du ramadan pour tous les musulmans. la fête de aid fitr est célébrée le 1er jour du mois suivant qui est shawwal....!!! attention !!! certaines images sont vraiment difficiles - ames sensibles s'abstenir aïd el-kébir violence et cruauté dans les abbatoirs de france une n...
phanouandco.centerblog.netBand aid 30 - do they know it’s christmas ? ...
phanouandco.centerblog.netramadan passe et les bonnes actions restent. prions allah que notre adoration soit acceptée en ce mois béni. que chacun de nous se pose la question suivante ...
villageois.centerblog.netIt may come as a surprise to some that thousands of people misuse over-the-counter nasal atomizers. the labels on the bottles state that the product really shou...
rileycork9.centerblog.netYou can visit our site for checking our courses for you and your staffs. we have fall protection training, the most usual incident in the industries and mines t...
juantime8.centerblog.netStudies have revealed that as people age, the brain actually shrink. new research, just released from johns hopkins university, implies that individuals with he...
shrinejae9.centerblog.netIndustry-leading feedback assassin 16 channels and 16 bands for high-resolution sound imaging. a remote feature that allows patients to readjust amount and memo...
sam32luther.centerblog.netOften the very first step for those suffering from hearing loss is to have it accurately diagnosed at a hearing center which is staffed with competent professio...
hearingloss23.centerblog.netOften the very first step for those suffering from hearing loss is to have it accurately diagnosed at a hearing center which is staffed with competent professio...
hearingloss23.centerblog.netOften the very first step for those suffering from hearing loss is to have it accurately diagnosed at a hearing center which is staffed with competent professio...
hearingloss23.centerblog.netIn our current world of politics can you afford to rely on congress or fema to help in your greatest time of need after a natural disaster? you do not have to a...
single16zane.centerblog.netIn our current world of politics can you afford to rely on congress or fema to help in your greatest time of need after a natural disaster? you do not have to a...
single16zane.centerblog.netIn our current world of politics can you afford to rely on congress or fema to help in your greatest time of need after a natural disaster? you do not have to a...
single16zane.centerblog.netBeing a hearing aid end user, it is important you understand how the basic reason for hearing aid producers and stores is to continually market you new product....
kathy2s44.centerblog.netBeing a hearing aid end user, it is important you understand how the basic reason for hearing aid producers and stores is to continually market you new product....
kathy2s44.centerblog.netAs a hearing aid user, it is necessary you understand that this basic reason for hearing aid manufacturers and stores would be to continually will sell you cool...
alesia1l75.centerblog.netAs a hearing aid user, it is necessary you understand that this basic reason for hearing aid manufacturers and stores would be to continually will sell you cool...
alesia1l75.centerblog.netAs a hearing aid user, it is necessary you understand that this basic reason for hearing aid manufacturers and stores would be to continually will sell you cool...
alesia1l75.centerblog.netHearing aids are simply an electronic kind of hardware or equipment which is worn around or just behind the ears of a individual who normally has hearing compli...
luis22kit4.centerblog.netWhat? right? did youdeclare something? they are all too frequently heard keyword phrases by mothers and fathers (or from time totime there's not any response in...
ree733pgel.centerblog.netWhat? right? did youdeclare something? they are all too frequently heard keyword phrases by mothers and fathers (or from time totime there's not any response in...
ree733pgel.centerblog.netWhat? right? did youdeclare something? they are all too frequently heard keyword phrases by mothers and fathers (or from time totime there's not any response in...
ree733pgel.centerblog.netWhat? right? did youdeclare something? they are all too frequently heard keyword phrases by mothers and fathers (or from time totime there's not any response in...
ree733pgel.centerblog.netWhat? right? did youdeclare something? they are all too frequently heard keyword phrases by mothers and fathers (or from time totime there's not any response in...
ree733pgel.centerblog.netWhat? right? did youdeclare something? they are all too frequently heard keyword phrases by mothers and fathers (or from time totime there's not any response in...
ree733pgel.centerblog.netThere is some days, united kingdom announced that it would not help financially countries which do not respect lgbt people anymore. after the reaction of ghana,...
lezbelib.centerblog.netEva joly a proposé mercredi qu'un jour férié soit accordé aux personnes de confession juive et aux musulmans pour célébrer kippour et l'aïd-el kébir, afin que c...
linfovitry.centerblog.netAfter ghana which will not legalize homosexuality as one has learned it yesterday, it is now zambia and zimbabwe to declare that their countries will not work o...
ririfleur.centerblog.netL'aïd-el-kébir, fête du mouton , l'une des plus importantes fêtes de l'islaml'aïd-el-kébir, ou aïd-el-adha (fête du sacrifice), célébrée le mercredi 17 novembre...
ririfleur.centerblog.netpour tout musulman, la zakat est obligatoire avant salat al aïd (sauf pour les nécessiteux) et représente un acte de piété au mêm...
ririfleur.centerblog.netMelloui pastillamadfouna ...
ririfleur.centerblog.netpour celles qui veulent s'y prendre sans stress de dernière minutepour vos gâteaux de l'aïd, un joli assortiment, dont voici quelques propositio...
ririfleur.centerblog.netL’aïd de la fin du ramadanle jeûne se termine le 8 septembre au soir par une fête qui est l’une des principales fêtes religieuse...
leylaloukoum.centerblog.netcliquez vite ici ...
ririfleur.centerblog.neta l'occasion de la fete de l'aid, je presente toutes mes felicitations a tous ceux qui celebrent cet evenement. cette rubrique est dediee a ceux qui veulent p...
houra.centerblog.netLes fêtes de l’achoura sont proches. exceptionnellement il y en a aura deux cette année une qui s'est déroulée le sept janvier et la s...
riadlunameryem.centerblog.netTraditionnellement les personnes respectueuses de la tradition jeûnent la veille et le jour de l'achoura et se rendent au cimetière pour se recueillir...
riadlunameryem.centerblog.netL’aïd el-ad’ha ou el-kébir est la fête du sacrifice du mouton; c’est un rituel religieux sacré pour les musulmans, ré...
infosaintouta.centerblog.netActuellement les moutons attendent tranquillement dans les cours parfois même dans les parkings d’immeubles l’heure du sacrifice. dès dema...
riadlunameryem.centerblog.netAïd-al-adh'ha ou aïd-el-kebir, la grande fête des musultans.bonne fete, et bon appetit, a nos bien aimes dirigeants carnivores.pour les soubrette...
berriche.centerblog.netUne semaine avant l'arrivée de l’aïd, à travers tous le pays s'organisent des marchés où les éleveurs de la région vien...
riadlunameryem.centerblog.netLa date de la fête de l’aïd el kebir ( la grande fête) vient d’être annoncée en france. celle ci se tiendra le 27 novembre ...