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Date de création : 04.12.2012
Dernière mise à jour : 10.11.2020
5834 articles


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Troll Face
Derniers commentaires

très bien
Par Anonyme, le 19.04.2019

mais c'est vrai en plus !!!!
Par Anonyme, le 29.01.2019

peach is super fucking ****. i wish i could pull her out of the screen and have amazing *** with her right now
Par Anonyme, le 04.09.2018

c'est deguelase
Par Anonyme, le 19.08.2018

Par Titi, le 18.08.2018

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Éjaculateur Précoce

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Simple Guide On How To Deal With Anxiety

Anxiety can become so overwhelming that it feels like it has absorbed your entire life, but this isn't true. it's not uncommon to suffer from the feelings of an...

At A Loss On How To Treat Anxiety? Try These Helpful Tips!

Anxiety can make life very bad and miserable for anyone who is dealing with it. treating anxiety on your own can be a rough path, and seeking professional help ...

Control Your Anxiety With These Helpful Tips

Anxiety can really be scary to deal with. it may prevent you from taking full advantage of your life. it could also prevent you from enjoying things that you us...

Get A Grip On Your Anxiety Symptoms

Is your anxiety preventing you from living life the way you want? good stress management techniques are good things to find. breathing exercises, meditation, th...

Tips On How To Lessen Your Anxiety

More than ever before, people are beginning to have pronounced feelings of anxiety. anxiety can range in intensity from general anxiety to full blown panic atta...

Don't Let Anxiety And Panic Control Your Life

Anxiety is becoming more common. this is happening because our world is constantly evolving and life becomes harder and harder. don't let anxiety make you feel ...

Learn How To Rid Yourself Of Anxiety

Sometimes anxiety can be quite a problem. even though you seem to be enjoying your day, anxiety can appear for no apparent reason. this could greatly affect you...

General Anxiety Disorder Relief In 5 Simple Steps

Is anxiety an issue in your life? if the answer is yes, you need to learn some tips to help manage the stress in your life. you may even consult a professional....

Anyone Can Overcome Anxiety With These Tips

Anxiety can affect anyone, regardless of age, religion, income level or ethnicity. if you suffer from this problem and do nothing about it, it may well take cha...

How To Rid Yourself Of Anxiety For Good

There are a lot of reasons someone might feel anxious. there may be excessive stress in your everyday life or it may run in your family history. anxiety does no...

Weaken The Hold Anxiety Has Over You

It is not surprising to find that people in today's society are becoming more anxious daily. our lives are becoming busier with increasing hassles. don't let an...

Comment traiter l'éjaculation précose

Vous voulez savoir comment traiter l'éjaculation précose,vous êtes incapable de contôler votre excitation pour retarder votre éjaculationvous êtes géné par cett...