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Publié à 17:24 par lepassetempsderose

Commentaires (1)

My artwork is being used on your site here WITHOUT my written permission!

I will expect you to remove this and not to use it again.

I will send you a invoice for the artwork for $1500.00 to which I charge for companies to use my work.

Since you have already put it up here, for others to take and do what they want with them You have purchased it, I consider it sold!
We will be sending you the invoice and how to pay for your purchase .

More Info

I have reserved all rights in the Works, with copyright registered to me.

The advert which appears in your page as stated above , is essentially identical to the Work and clearly used the Work as its basis.

You neither asked for nor received permission to use the Work as the basis for the advert, nor to make or distribute copies of it. Therefore, I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 USC Section 101, et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $100,000.

Under the copyright law I can demand:

Compensation and Immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from the Work, and all copies of it, and that you deliver to me all unused, undistributed copies of it, or destroy such copies immediately, and that you desist from this or any other infringement of my rights in the future.(Whomever you made the copies for get them removed as well)

However, currently I demand a compensation for the use of the image. Remove them and do NOT repost or alter any of my artwork again.
You did not notify me, (My work is easy to find, just do a google search of the image and it will show My Company name CaperGirl42 we did not sign any contracts, and I have not been paid for the use of my work.

If I have not received an affirmative response from you in two weeks, indicating that you are ready to discuss terms of payment for the use of my work and comply with my requirements, I shall consider taking the full legal remedies available to rectify this situation
I will be reporting my Image as well!
Have a good day

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