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Ma créa a terminé 2ème/16 au concours "bill cipher" bill cipher est un personnage et le principal antagoniste de la franchise disney's gravity falls. l...
lescreasdepatchie3340.centerblog.netMa créa a terminé 3ème/20 au concours "personnage littéraire préféré" ...
lescreasdepatchie3340.centerblog.netsalut à vous ! c’est vrai. je ne vous salue pas souvent derrière mon écran. j’ai beaucoup lu de rapports scientifiques. parmi mes amis, certains sont médecins...
laparousiedejesus.centerblog.netles origines occulte de la ss de bill yenne heinrich himmler était le nazi des nazis : le chef de l'impitoyable machine ss et l'élément moteur de l...
laparousiedejesus.centerblog.netPoints et pourcentages : c'est l'objet du billet d'aujourd'hui. la communication ne va que pour l'image hélas ! ne pas confondre points et pourcentages … que...
le-temps-d-une-photo.centerblog.netBoule, bill et caroline la tortue, regardant les bateaux sous une belle pluie. montage réalisé avec sqirlz water, pour la pluie. traitement de la pluie, pour re...
lemontageenimage.centerblog.netBill, qui s'éclate sur sin trampoline. animation du trampoline réalisé avec gimp, pour le détourage du trampoline. picture it, pour la partie des tendeurs. anma...
lemontageenimage.centerblog.netMa créa boule et bill ...
lescreasdepatchie3340.centerblog.netpour la première fois je vais parler d'un film que j'ai eu l'occasion de revoir il y a peu: kill bill volume 2. je vais plus précisément parler de ce que rep...■ réalisation par nini loomgrille pour réaliser ce modèle ...
looms.centerblog.netThe state of florida is yet again joining in the long list of jurisdictions that are hoping to criminalize what is known as revenge porn. another similar bill d...
firson41.centerblog.netUn truc aussi qu'il m'a dit, car j'avais oublié de lancer la machine a laver. que j'ai fait dans la journée vu le peu de chose dedans (quasi jamais rien en une ...
desillusionmaternelle.centerblog.netMedication and health care in most traditions started out with healers who used spirituality as the means of curing medical conditions. these customs, nonethele...
frogadam1.centerblog.netCigarette smoking is the reason for many conditions and gets rid of about 4 hundred and forty two thousand people every year in the united states. in spite of a...
frogadam1.centerblog.netIf you are thinking about using for a scholarship then it can be an outright headache if you do not understand where to start. you would have to trawl with book...
frogadam1.centerblog.netOolong tea has a rich and long history that includes being one of the plants that were grown and treasured by old chinese emperors and today is treasured for it...
frogadam1.centerblog.netA great deal of individuals these days are attempting to make their health better. no issue where you turn, from tv to papers, you'll see tales about individual...
frogadam1.centerblog.netMerci à sev pour ce bon plan la bonne réponse est la 1ère : jouet interactif en forme de chien
bonasavoir.centerblog.netOn est toujours heureux d'entendre le vieux lion, bill deraime, et ses chansons qui secouent, font réagir, sont plus que jamais nécessaire. il revient en mars...
buzzduweb.centerblog.netTrés connu pour son titre : the ballad of davy crokett. vous savez l'homme qui n'a jamais peur et qui a tué un ours d'un seul coup de fusil ! :) nous on s'écout...
yepcatspassion.centerblog.netBad news about 'don' t ask, don' t tell' policy, the house of the representatives approved the bill to delay the repeal of the law. it is by a 322-96 vote that ... is a lesbian magazine used to cover variety of subjects and to follow politics. lezbelib is covering everyhting lesbian from lesbian marriage, adop...
lezbelib.centerblog.netFor the first time, a report submitted by the un council of human rights details all discriminations, violences sudden throughout the world by lgbtq people with...
lezbelib.centerblog.netOrlando became the first city of florida to recognize relationships of gay and lesbian couples. more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netA new city is added to the list of cities which fight against discrimination based on gender identity. the city of columbia in missouri passed the law unanimous...
lezbelib.centerblog.netin moldavia, the parliament will discuss on a bill which will ban the discrimination based on sexual orientation. more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netAlabama democrat legislator, patricia todd, openly lesbian, will push a bill which will expand anti-bullying protections for lgbt youth hoping a vote. more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netThe house of north carolina approved a voter referendum in 2012 to ban gay marriage of the constitution of the state. more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netA revolt in the labour party is organized in australia to pass gay marriage. read...
lezbelib.centerblog.netFrom now on the state of california will not be able to enter into contracts of more than $100,000 with companies refusing to give equal benefits to the same-se...
lezbelib.centerblog.netIn new hampshire, politicians try to remove the law of the marriage equality. read...
lezbelib.centerblog.netGovernor of maryland, martin o'malley, announced he will push the bill to allow marriage equality to pass next year. read...
lezbelib.centerblog.neta project of law has just been voted in minnesota to ban gay marriage of the state's constitution. by a vote 8-4, the bill passed and unfortunately, the full...
lezbelib.centerblog.netby e-li after not passing the marriage equality, the lawmakers of rhode island could present a bill to allow civil unions. the president of the senate,tere...
lezbelib.centerblog.netin tennesse, a rally was organized following the bill of a legislator, senator stacey campfield, wishing to ban educators from teaching children about homose...
lezbelib.centerblog.netliechtenstein adopted the civil unions with 100% of the votes in favor of the bill !the 25 members of parliament voted all in favor of the law which grants c...
lezbelib.centerblog.netthere are a few days illinois was passing a law to allow civil unions for same-sex couples but it is not enough for the mayor of chicago. read more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netit is now official, the house of representatives of indiana voted for the prohibition of gay marriage. read more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netthe senate of wyoming rejected a bill who would ban the recognition of gay and lesbian marriages make outside the state. read more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netonce again, the vote on a bill allowing gay marriage in maryland was delayed by the maryland house of delegates committee. read more...
lezbelib.centerblog.neta revolt in the labour party is organized in australia to pass gay more...
lezbelib.centerblog.netPrenez le temps de regarder: underworld 4 new dawn filmle titre officiel de underworld 4 a été annoncé, c’est « underworld 4:...
filmcine.centerblog.netbonjour à tous, je souhaite, aujourd'hui, vous parler de bill gates et warren buffet qui annoncent vouloir céder la moitié de leurs fortunes re...
lemondeetmoi.centerblog.netquentin tarantino le clip du jour de l'art i!!i, groupe sur dailymotion....
delart.centerblog.netsteamboat bill jr. • vj aurelenvoyé par trancinetik. - découvrez plus de vidéos créatives. le clip du jour de l'art...
delart.centerblog.netPrenez le temps de regarder: bill condon twilight 4summit entertainment a engagé le réalisateur oscarisé bill condon (à qui nous devons drea...
lesimagesdelili.centerblog.netles pirates de la silicon valley relate les débuts de la micro-informatique individuelle aux États-unis du début des années 1970 à la ...
billgsoft.centerblog.netles pirates de la silicon valley relate les débuts de la micro-informatique individuelle aux États-unis du début des années 1970 à la ...