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Articles les plus lus

· Poème très émouvant ... sur la maladie d' Alzheimer !
· Un court poème de Monique Müller ... La colère !
· Humour ... Breton !
· DALI ... peintre surréaliste, sculpteur, scénariste !
· Quelques citations ... toutes liées au Champagne !

· Un poème de Maurice Carême ... L' Artiste !
· Un joli fond d'écran "ZEN" ... si vous aimez KDO !
· humour ... le Nez !
· citation : la valeur de l' Amitié
· Histoire de la Petite Souris ... à raconter aux Enfants !
· Sans dessus dessous ... texte de Raymond Devos !
· Vintage ... " Pin Up Girls " !
· David Hamilton ... talentueux et marginal !
· Le Pape François ... les photos qui font la différence !
· Histoire vraie ... particulièrement touchante !

Voir plus 


Date de création : 28.09.2009
Dernière mise à jour : 29.05.2021
37578 articles

Restons toujours ZEN !

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Résultats pour "texas" sur le blog ♥ Chez Yvonne ♥ C'est tout pour vous ♥

Lupins en fleurs près de Llano, Texas, Etats-Unis


Résultats pour "texas" sur Centerblog

Alerte à la rougeole

Alerte à la rougeole en france. dans une note urgente, la direction générale de la santé appelle, en ce mois de mars 2025, « à la vigilance renforcée de l’ensem...

Ranch de Southfork - le Ranch de Dallas

Ranch de southfork - le ranch de dallas              magnifique propriété texane, le ranch de southfork a été rendu célèbre dans les années 1970 par la série té...

Géante Alexis Texas

Fanmade© credits for the pictures go to their respective photographers.there is no intention to infringe the copyright rules. i have no rights to the png's publ...



TEXAS. I Don't Want A Lover 1989


Dendrocygne à Ventre noir - Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Le dendrocygne à bec rouge dendrocygna autumnalis aussi connu sous le nom de dendrocygne à ventre noir détention réglementée,liste des oiseaux de guyane (pour l...


Il existe 5 sous espèces que l’on trouve en différents endroits du mexique et dans certains etats américains comme le texas et l’arizona. english version there ...


Un détour par les usa pour découvrir un petit oiseau (10 cm) qui se rapproche par son attitude et sa morphologie des mésanges. on le trouve en californie, en ut...

Paul Huffman And The Rebel Combo

Paul huffman est né à el paso, au texas et a travaillé comme interprète pour kpar-tv à abilene , aussi au texas. il a enregistré quelques titres , qu'il écrivai...

Les infos du matin

les premières livraisons du vaccin moderna dans la seconde quinzaine de janvier en france.approuvé par l'union européenne il y a deux jours, le vaccin moderna ...

La crise sanitaire s'accroît aux USA et au Brésil

Alors que le bilan du coronavirusdans le monde s'approche des 15,5 millions de cas et dépasse les 630 000 morts, les pays les plus touchés par la pandémie n'aff...

Ue prédiction folle et alarmante

Le docteur farci aux états-unis a refusé de prédire le nombre de décès que la vague actuelle pourrait provoquer, mais, selon une estimation publiée la semaine d...

2,48 millions d'Américains positifs !

L’organisation mondiale de la santé (oms) multiplie les messages d’alerte ces derniers jours : alors que certains pays comme la france avancent dans leur déconf...

Record de cas au sud des États-Unis

Le sud des états-unis, de la floride à la californie, est devenu le point chaud de l'épidémie de coronavirus aux etats-unis, entraînant le retour des restrictio...

(38) - PORCIEUX 2015 (4/4)

      c'est la délicieuse cassandra qui nous montre comment nettoyer correctement notre trike (photo 36 & 37). ce n'est pas son seul talent car elle obtient...

Le Prince Héritier & ses activités au SXSW d'Austin

                   le prince héritier haakon arrive à la maison de la scandinavie pour la table ronde avec des entreprises norvégiennes de technologie de la san...

Le Prince Héritier chez le Gouverneur du Texas.

                                aujourd'hui le prince héritier haakon a rencontré le gouverneur du texas greg abbott  afin de discuter de l'amélioration des rel...

Au Texas, la chasse aux cochons depuis des hélicos

Parce qu’ils détruisent l’écosystème et causent des miliards de dollars de dommages matériels, toutes les méthodes sont bonnes au texas pour lutter contre les c...

Agenda - Du 12 au 18 mars 2018 -

                   princesse marthä louise avec l'équipe de hochey norvégienne paralympique           12 mars 2018  jeux paralympiques - corée du sud - la princ...

La famille Royale - Mars - Tous en missions à l'étranger -

                       le roi harald et la reine sonja se rendront en visite officielle en argentine du 06 au 08 mars 2018.                      le prince hérit...

Fusillade dans église Texas fait 26 morts et 20 blessés

Une fusillade a éclaté dimanche, en plein service religieux, dans une église de sutherland springs, un village du texas, faisant 26 morts et 20 blessés, âgés en...

C'est quoi ? C’est qui ?

C'est quoi ? c’est qui ? analyse par erick bernardfaire un don à erick bernardafin de soutenir ses diffusions humoristiques libresmerci d'avance

Le monde change, les clichés aussi !

Le monde change....vous ne trouvez pas ?faire un don à erick bernardafin de soutenir ses diffusions humoristiques libresmerci d'avance

Galveston Capital Tourism : Relaxing Island Getaway

“pirates, hurricanes and battles”, galveston today is nothing like what your grandfather probably remembers. to some people, like your grandpa, the island of ga...

Don't be alarmed by snakes on the beach in Galveston

Galveston, texas -- it’s that time of year again:rattlesnake season in galveston.   the reptiles are once again making an appearance on the island. beachgoers a...

March hottest month on record for Galveston, College Station

Last month was the hottest on record for some areas of southeast texas. the city of galveston beat out a high set more than 100 years ago after the mercury clim...

Jakarta Island Hotels Branch April Means Fantastic Family

Spring has officially sprung, presenting a splendiferous time to round up the family for some fun and adventurousapril events on historic galveston island!   th...

Up for a Challenge Galveston

Family fun is taking on a new meaning this spring and summer at galveston’s east beach with friendly competitions between families.   the galveston park board i...

Galveston Capital Tourism and Marketing

    galveston capital tourism and marketing-residential housing market shows long-term stability there is an abundance of new residential building on themarket...

Fête du lupin au Texas

comment mieux commencer le printemps qu’à burnet, texas , pour le bluebonnet festival ? cette fête du lupin, la fleur officielle de l’etat, aura lieu comme cha...


Ce trike a été construit aux, v8 moteur gonflé, a participé au trike's rally texas    ...

"Une jolie fontaine avec des chevaux..."



Data description of salt domes   salt domes are listed alphabetically by state and then by area of salt dome occurrence in table 2 (at back of report). the dist...

Summary and Reference Cited of Salt Domes

Summary   information on 624 salt domes in the gulf of mexico coastal plain of the south central united states and the adjacent continental shelf was compiled f...

Texas Energy Exploration, LLC: Salt Dome Map Gulf Coast

Our intention is to continue to develop the brookshire salt dome field, a relatively new field.  many salt domes in the region have yielded in excess of 100 mil...


La compagnie geldof demeure à oignies dans le pas de calais.   c'est avec émotion que je les ajoute sur le blog car ce sont les nouveaux propriétaires de mon an...

Tommy Duncan and the Miller Bros

Thomas elmer duncan, né le 11 janvier 1911 au fut le chanteur principal de bob wills et ses texas est décédé le 25 juillet 67 à san diego e...

Sonneries Mobile & iPhone Best of Texas

Sonneries mobile & iphone best of texascliquez ici ...

Light Your Profession With Electrician Classes

So long as there is electricity, the globe may nevertheless need electricians. unfortunately one that's gaining recognition as a profession, although it really ...

The need for Video SEO

Video seo could be the usage of optimisation methodologies to further improve the visibility of your videos and screencasts on the web, youtube along with other...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to be awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know how potential public business opportunities are solic...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to be awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know how potential public business opportunities are solic...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order being awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first appreciate how potential public work from home opportuniti...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order being awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first appreciate how potential public work from home opportuniti...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to get awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first understand how potential public work at home opportunitie...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to get awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first understand how potential public work at home opportunitie...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to get awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know the way potential public business opportunities are ...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to get awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know the way potential public business opportunities are ...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order being awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first understand how potential public work from home opportuniti...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order being awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first understand how potential public work from home opportuniti...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to be awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know how potential public work from home opportunities are...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to be awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know how potential public work from home opportunities are...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to become awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know how potential public business opportunities are s...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to become awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first know how potential public business opportunities are s...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to be awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first understand how potential public business opportunities are...

Local Texas Government Bid Opportunities

Rfp and rfq postings in texasin order to be awarded local texas government bids, suppliers must first understand how potential public business opportunities are...

Tips And Tricks For Bettering Your HVAC Experience

Understanding how hvac systems work can really save a homeowner a lot of money. the last you want is to come home one day and find that it is not working proper...

The Best Attorney For Specific Needs In Orange Texas

Attorney solutions recommendation in a clickeverybody requires assistance in some cases, and it'ses a good idea to have attorney solutions referral when the nec...

Il est devenu riche grâce à la Bible!!

Dieu, satan et la bourse dans une vie antérieure, sean hyman était pasteur. aujourd’hui, ce texan dispense ses conseils boursiers sur les plus grandes chaînes f...

Get the most convenient property insurance!

We cannot possess the full control of our life because you can find numerous unstable things and events that might affect our existence. you should always consi...

Johnny Jano

John remie janot, de son véritable nom , est né le 14 septembre 33 à eunice en louisiane.après des débuts radio dans sa ville natale en 55 , il enregistre chez ...

Reasonable Medical Insurance The florida area

In regards to economical wellness insurance planeverybody needs to grasp another thing: how can isave money?very well in this article are a few questions you wi...

Reasonable Medical Insurance The florida area

In regards to economical wellness insurance planeverybody needs to grasp another thing: how can isave money?very well in this article are a few questions you wi...

Things You Must Learn When Taking Pictures

Photography is undoubtedly an expressive and artistic hobby that is much more popular recently. while lots of people enjoy the concept of photography, you'll di...

Adult driver education

Obtaining your tx driving privileges is a really exciting part of growing up. with your drivers license you are going to get independence. it is the freedom to ...

Affordable Medical Care Insurance Los angeles

in relation to reasonably priced health and fitness insurance policies anyone wishes to understand one thing: how am i able to get monetary savings?nicely here...

Orthodontist and the Information Related to Treatment

Ortho 360 offers an innovative new technology for straightening teeth and fixing bites, without the need for typical braces! our orthodontist in ortho 360 are h...

Texas Government Powerful Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are spread through several outlets .typically, local texas purchasers would reach out to a pick few vendors and ...

Texas Government Powerful Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are spread through several outlets .typically, local texas purchasers would reach out to a pick few vendors and ...

Texas Government Efficient Purchasing Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are distributed through various outlets .ordinarily, local texas purchasers would reach out to a pick out few ve...

Texas Government Efficient Purchasing Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are distributed through various outlets .ordinarily, local texas purchasers would reach out to a pick out few ve...

Texas Government Reliable Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are distributed through different outlets .typically, local texas purchasers would reach out to a choose few ven...

Texas Government Reliable Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are distributed through different outlets .typically, local texas purchasers would reach out to a choose few ven...

Texas Government Effective Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are distributed through numerous outlets .ordinarily, local texas purchasers would reach out to a choose few ven...

Texas Government Effective Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are distributed through numerous outlets .ordinarily, local texas purchasers would reach out to a choose few ven...

Texas Government Effective Purchasing Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are allocated through various outlets .typically, local texas buyers would reach out to a pick few vendors and a...

Texas Government Effective Purchasing Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are allocated through various outlets .typically, local texas buyers would reach out to a pick few vendors and a...

Texas Government Powerful Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are allocated through several outlets .ordinarily, local texas prospective buyers would reach out to a select fe...

Texas Government Powerful Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are allocated through several outlets .ordinarily, local texas prospective buyers would reach out to a select fe...

Texas Government Reliable Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are sent out through several outlets .usually, local texas purchasers would reach out to a choose few vendors an...

Texas Government Reliable Procurement Process

Building supplier outreachbid requests in texas are sent out through several outlets .usually, local texas purchasers would reach out to a choose few vendors an...

Why You Need Austin Commercial Insurance

It in spite where you live, insurance is essential in terms of businesses. we live on a planet that we simply cannot predict what you should happen; having an i...

Austin - The Ideal City in Texas? Think Once more

In the early nineties, a big wave of higher-tech companies from silicon valley opened production amenities in austin, which contributed to job growth. individua...

Austin, Texas Once-a-year Activities and Festivals - Might

Next, austin is not only the capital of texas, it is also a college town, and thus the industry is flooded with hugely educated university graduates prepared to...

Birthday Functions in Austin, Texas

South austin's veloway is yet another haven for road bikers (apaved loop a number of miles lengthy that's off restrict to autos and runners) it provides unobstr...

Garage Doors In Houston

May has just appeared which means summer is about to sneak up on us. heat and humidity can make a garage extremely uncomfortable and might be dangerous if flamm...

Texas Government RFPs

In texas, suppliers can increase their business to target local government bid opportunities for a large range in products and services. before responding to an...

Texas Government RFPs

In texas, suppliers can increase their business to target local government bid opportunities for a large range in products and services. before responding to an...

Texas Government Bids

In texas, suppliers can increase their business to target local government bid opportunities for a large range in products and services. before responding to an...

Texas Government Bids

In texas, suppliers can increase their business to target local government bid opportunities for a large range in products and services. before responding to an...

An Update On Fast Methods In rhinoplasty

Bristol nose jobif you need cartilage reshaping, such as to the tip of your nose or the areas of cartilage above your right and left nostrils, most of the time ...

An Update On Fast Methods In rhinoplasty

Bristol nose jobif you need cartilage reshaping, such as to the tip of your nose or the areas of cartilage above your right and left nostrils, most of the time ...

An Update On Fast Methods In rhinoplasty

Bristol nose jobif you need cartilage reshaping, such as to the tip of your nose or the areas of cartilage above your right and left nostrils, most of the time ...

Why Are Houston, tx Housing Real estate markets So Healthy?

The housing market in the lonestar state is no exception. according to the texas real estate center at texas a&m university, real estate is the second bigge...

Why Are Houston, tx Housing Real estate markets So Healthy?

The housing market in the lonestar state is no exception. according to the texas real estate center at texas a&m university, real estate is the second bigge...

Why Are Houston, tx Housing Real estate markets So Healthy?

The housing market in the lonestar state is no exception. according to the texas real estate center at texas a&m university, real estate is the second bigge...

Why Are Houston, tx Housing Real estate markets So Healthy?

The housing market in the lonestar state is no exception. according to the texas real estate center at texas a&m university, real estate is the second bigge...

Why Are Houston, tx Housing Real estate markets So Healthy?

The housing market in the lonestar state is no exception. according to the texas real estate center at texas a&m university, real estate is the second bigge...

Why Are Houston, tx Housing Real estate markets So Healthy?

The housing market in the lonestar state is no exception. according to the texas real estate center at texas a&m university, real estate is the second bigge...

Ray Doggett

Véritable nom : elmer ray doggett, né le 6 août 36 à big spring au téxas et décédé le 16 mars 2002 à nashville. go go heart .(1956)...