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bonjour ma chère amie yvonne,
je suis enchantée de venir prendre un p'tit café chez toi, nous parlerons de ch
Par MARITE, le 10.06.2021
dors bien petit bonhomme ... ton ange veille ! à 22:17 par yvonne92110
. .. et j'espère qu'un c
Par Anonyme, le 07.06.2021
21/05/2013... le monde entier vous admire, alors que personne ne vous comprend".... ils savaient parler... à
Par Anonyme, le 06.06.2021
06.06.2021. ..j'ai des goûts de luxe et mes amis sont en or.... c'est parce que ton blog est un trésor...
Par Anonyme, le 06.06.2021
13/05/2012 ... que ta bonne humeur peut égayer la vie des autres ...que tu peux, en tout temps, dire un mot
Par Anonyme, le 06.06.2021
· Poème très émouvant ... sur la maladie d' Alzheimer !
· Un court poème de Monique Müller ... La colère !
· Humour ... Breton !
· DALI ... peintre surréaliste, sculpteur, scénariste !
· Quelques citations ... toutes liées au Champagne !
· Un poème de Maurice Carême ... L' Artiste !
· Un joli fond d'écran "ZEN" ... si vous aimez KDO !
· humour ... le Nez !
· citation : la valeur de l' Amitié
· Histoire de la Petite Souris ... à raconter aux Enfants !
· Sans dessus dessous ... texte de Raymond Devos !
· Vintage ... " Pin Up Girls " !
· David Hamilton ... talentueux et marginal !
· Le Pape François ... les photos qui font la différence !
· Histoire vraie ... particulièrement touchante !
Date de création : 28.09.2009
Dernière mise à jour :
37578 articles
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Merci de laisser éventuellement une trace de votre passage sur mon "Livre d'Or" !!! Vous pouvez également cliquer sur "j'aime", si vous avez apprécié la visite ...
artworkcelebrities.centerblog.netenfants avec leur animal de compagnie ( tube png créé par mes soins) pour vos créas d'autres enfants ici : fillettes-garcons-enfants (112) ...
dominique-dupuy007.centerblog.netcharles courtney children fishing en 1881, à l'âge de 20 ans, charles courtney curran quitte son kentucky natal et s'installe à sandusky, dans l'ohio. il étud...
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mariepierrem.centerblog.netcréation bagacum réalisée pour le forum love créations (défi jour)...
bagacum.centerblog.netThree-quarters of british children do not know how to boil an egg, new research shows.как показывает недавнее исследование, три четверти британских детей не зна...
qwrfeshj.centerblog.netcréation bagacum réalisée pour le "défi jour" (forum myriam graphisme)...
lesminipoups.centerblog.netIt may be very frustrating to inquire about your child time and again to complete their chores without one ever getting done. in case this describes your own ho...
arl6hc0tho.centerblog.netIt may be very frustrating to inquire about your child time and again to complete their chores without one ever getting done. in case this describes your own ho...
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bagacum.centerblog.net16 août 2014 diana wynne jones' 80th birthday diana wynne jones, née le 16 août 1934 à londreset morte le 26 mars 2011 (à 76 ans) à bristol,est une au...
horsdutemps.centerblog.netWeight loss,skinny fiber,sbc,lower blood sugar, glucomannan, cha de bugre, caralluma, digestive enzymes,skinny bacteria,belly fat,ibs,children,safe,all natural,...
menu77jeans.centerblog.netfinal fantasy vii : advent childrenformat : film année : 2005 titre original : final fantasy vii advent children nombre d'épisodes : 1 studio : square enix ré...
laparousiedejesus.centerblog.netSource : bleuchalou.centerblog.net sur centerblog....
nonauxstereotypes.centerblog.netMany kids view dogs as their very best friends. a companion who also provides these unconditional love but also teaches them about responsibility, kindness, tru...
patsnow4.centerblog.netShe's beautiful when she fumbles by having a black bag for an assortment of daggers and other shiny, pointy objects. like i said earlier, the tao of badass cour...
lon06curler.centerblog.netA major turning point in many people's lives is when they have children. it marks the start of a new way of living and although children bring you joy and happi...
devs6q8wfu.centerblog.net• always make sure that that the whole face ofyour infant will be observed. this implies that the baby'shead just isn't partially buried in the blanket, covered...
newborn-photography-ring9jc.centerblog.netA lot of people drive a great deal. it's an essential activity that we need to do that is also potentially hazardous. picking the correct child car seats is one...
daysky06.centerblog.netChildren like to explore and push parents to the limit, so being a policeman while they surf the internet will probably bring the wrong results. finding the rig...
mr-surfsafe64.centerblog.netChoir robes aid a accumulation to attending organized as able-bodied as able while carrying a performance.these choir robes can be beat in accessible performanc...
ivyrobes.centerblog.netChoir robes aid a accumulation to attending organized as able-bodied as able while carrying a performance. these choir robes can be beat in accessible performan...
ivyrobes.centerblog.netThe dental clinic nedlands is normally current to help you make your teeth clean and wholesome. all dentists from nedlands have practiced basic dentistry. the m...
quentinbenejan890.centerblog.netTube petite fille qui sent une fleur pour vos créations avec photofiltre, photoshop,......
choupie33.centerblog.netIf you have kids, or have friends that do, there seems to be more anxiety and reasons for such than there has been before. and i'm sure if you think back to whe...
edmond10hemp.centerblog.netEven though you've done everything prior to, getting an infant home through the medical center takes a large amount of preparing. the very last thing you could ...
careyhip65.centerblog.netIf you have kids, or have friends that do, there seems to be more anxiety and reasons for such than there has been before. and i'm sure if you think back to whe...
edmond10hemp.centerblog.netIf you are a parent, you know that no matter what age they are, your children will deal with anxiety. unfortunately, this might be something that happens all th...
edmond10hemp.centerblog.netEven though you've done it all prior to, getting an infant home from the hospital requires a large amount of preparing. the very last thing you could do in thos...
toneykiss71.centerblog.netIf you are a parent, you know that no matter what age they are, your children will deal with anxiety. unfortunately, this might be something that happens all th...
edmond10hemp.centerblog.netThe designer silver birthstone jewelry is made available wherein there are women pearl earrings especially for the women who wish to have a change from the ring...
uyfu584zch.centerblog.netFollowing movies from pc have never been so cool with the creation of streaming technology. basically streaming is ordinarily watching a television from your br...
bank43rick.centerblog.netCheck out this astounding website that talks on the subject of children of divorced parents. should ?you? require counsel on children of divorced parents, then ...
attorneylad19.centerblog.netles enfants obèses ont des papilles gustatives moins sensibles que les enfants de poids normal, selon une nouvelle étude. cette diminution de la capacité de d...
basghe.centerblog.netSource : petitemimine.centerblog.net sur centerblog....
nonauxstereotypes.centerblog.netCréation bagacum tube en png (même si le tube n'est pas signé, merci de respecter mon travail et ne pas l'utiliser pour une banque de données) par contre, il me...
bagacum.centerblog.netRelated web pageit just great how with our ever changing|evolving|changing} seasons we can take advantage of a wide array of terrific fall events? is it really ...
tuc83455ca.centerblog.netFind out moreisn't it wonderful how with our ever changing|evolving|changing} seasons we get to take advantage of a wide array of fabulous fall things to do? ea...
stengx7wbo.centerblog.netnew research suggests that long-term birth control options, such as intrauterine devices (iuds) and under-the-skin implants, are 20 times more effective for pr...
basghe.centerblog.netHello kittens! welcome back to the wonderful world of ilene chaiken. have you missed the drama, backstabbing, cheating, and lots and lots of bieber-bians? yeah,...
lezbelib.centerblog.netWhen diagnosed with gender identity disorder (gid) at a young age, parents are tasked with deciding the best way to help their child. the response of parents va...
lezbelib.centerblog.netWhen diagnosed with gender identity disorder (gid) at a young age, parents are tasked with deciding the best way to help their child. the response of parents va...
lezbelib.centerblog.netTo obtain the marriage equality in maryland will not be easy but not impossible. the governor martin o' malley said that it would be long but that he will suppo...
lezbelib.centerblog.netMarriage equality ireland presents a video showing a boy who speaks about his two mothers and the consequences of the civil unions. read...
lezbelib.centerblog.netHoly-crap-lesbians-are-freakin-crazy-but-i-love-this-crap-so-much! got that? you’ll see why… as with any show going into it’s second season, there have been and...
lezbelib.centerblog.netOne year already that argentina authorized the gay marriage, becoming the first country of latin america to pass it. read...
lezbelib.centerblog.netthe first gay pride in prague will take place from august 10th to august 14th. this first festival will be oganized over 5 days with a lo...
lezbelib.centerblog.netBy e-liin france, the education minister, luc chatel, has decided to fight against harassing, and in particular the homophobe harassing of youth in schools."we ...
lezbelib.centerblog.netin tennesse, a rally was organized following the bill of a legislator, senator stacey campfield, wishing to ban educators from teaching children about homose...
mamietitine.centerblog.netEducator martin skelton co-wrote the international primary curriculum, or ipc. he says for children to learn and succeed, they need a program that permits them ...
mumuguoguo.centerblog.netWhether the elderly, children or young adults, everyone wants to have extraordinary memory. generally speaking, memory has a close relationship with congenital ...
howtoteach.centerblog.netMany parents complain that their children are disobedient. you may not know that your kids are entering adolescence. children begin to think independently and b...
howtoteach.centerblog.netAs a parent you will have to talk to your children about drugs at some point. unfortunately, nowadays talking about drugs has to be done at a younger age. don't...
howtoteach.centerblog.netIt is actually important to teach children about friendship. making friends can build their social skills in dealing with others. also, it is able to build thei...
howtoteach.centerblog.netWhether people have the interests or habits of labor will affect their whole life. many facts show that regardless of knowledge level, family background, and ec...
howtoteach.centerblog.netParents would have this kind of experience, when kid is one years old, he can walk independently, and don’t like parents to support, showing the initial intenti...
howtoteach.centerblog.netCooperative play is one of the important games for your children. they may obtain many benefit of sharing the toy to others and how to play teamwork. so, they k...
howtoteach.centerblog.netPlaying outside is important for all children. it is the best way to let them explore their own world by having contact with nature. there are some benefits tha...
howtoteach.centerblog.netChild's autonomy is often reflected in their choice, but because parents fear their children's choice is wrong, they always afraid to give children the right to...
howtoteach.centerblog.netChild's autonomy is often reflected in their choice, but because parents fear their children's choice is wrong, they always afraid to give children the right to...
howtoteach.centerblog.net"the poor man's child shares the household" does have its truth. living in poor family, the harsh living environment naturally prepared for the children hard tr...
howtoteach.centerblog.netThe reason why children have a bad temper not only because parents' blindly spoiled, and the inappropriate teaching methods, but also because they eat too much ...
howtoteach.centerblog.netMany chinese parents hold the traditional belief that children belong to parents. they think that they can master everything for their children. actually their ...
howtoteach.centerblog.netDairy is people's essay record of life, work, and learning. if you let you kids write dairy when he can write and make sentence, and make him stick to it, it wo...
howtoteach.centerblog.netVitamin bthis kind of nutrients has the function to adjust the neurological function and play the role as trophic nerve. what' more, it can prevent us from psyc...
howtoteach.centerblog.netSome nutritionists have done a research and the result shows that children's mental development depends on whether the nutrition in the foods they have taken ar...
howtoteach.centerblog.netEyes are the body's most vital organs, it is very valuable. it is very important to increase nutrition to the development of eyes, and it is especially importan...
howtoteach.centerblog.netFirst, keep close with your childrenfriendship play an important role in the process of cultivating children' happy character. therefore, as parents, you should...
howtoteach.centerblog.netRope skipping can promote the healthy development of children. rope skipping is a systemic activity which can speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis and the bloo...
howtoteach.centerblog.netdétails :- 102 éléments en 300dpi de tailles diverses (tagger size) - 43 papiers jpeg 300dpi, format 1800x1800. tous les papiers sont au format 1800x1800 px / ...
cajolinescrap.centerblog.netWallpapers url : http://wallpaper.yb88.org/3d/3d-characters/chronicles-of-narnia.htmlresolution :1024 x 768 normal1152 x 864 normal1280 x 1024 normalintroductio...